Thank you for purchasing the Carpenter Bee Trap. You will be pleased that you did. This trap takes advantage of the fact that these bees are lazy and would rather use an existing hole than to create a new one. Once they enter they will follow the light to get back out which leads them to the bottom bottle where they will die from exposure. They are unable to return to the wooden section of the trap.
The traps can be installed in either of two ways which are pictured to the right. All necessary hardware is included. The traps can be directly screwed to a surface with the two coated deck screws included or you can screw the included eyelet into a hole started for you on the top rear of the trap. It will be located on the top centered 1” in from the rear. Screw the eyelet into this hole using a screwdriver inserted into the eyelet for leverage if necessary. Screw the eyelet in approximately ½” ending with the eyelet parallel to the rear of the trap.
Then use the square hook to mount it wherever bees are active. Screw the hook into the mounting surface until the threads just disappear with the end of the hook facing up. Then hook the eyelet onto the hook. This will allow the trap to be installed and taken down effortlessly year after year. There should be one trap installed approximately every 10 linear feet where bees are working. Higher mounting is preferred such as high on gable ends or on a fascia. DO NOT INSTALL TRAP UNDER A PORCH ROOF OR AN INTERIOR CEILING EVEN IF THAT IS WHERE THE BEES ARE WORKING! Install the trap on the exterior facia. They will find it much faster there.
To install the lower bottle on the trap, just turn the bottom bottle into the coupling that in most cases has already been installed on the bottom of the trap. DO NOT over tighten the connections. After the bottle contains an adequate amount of dead bees just remove it from the bottom of the trap, empty out the dead bees, and reinstall. If the dead bees in the bottom bottle become wet from the weather…empty the dead bees promptly. If these bees begin to decay new bees will not enter the trap.
Old holes on the building should be plugged (see hole kit in accessories) so that the bees naturally want to use the holes provided to them by the trap. Happy trapping!