Thank you for your interest in my carpenter bee traps. I designed, constructed, and began using them after spending years before that fighting them with bee spray and fly swatters. It wasn’t pretty. They were chewing my house and garage to shreds. I couldn’t stop them.
The year the design was completed (2013) I built and installed 8 traps in areas they were drilling. It didn’t affect the bees whose holes were completed but did dramatically affect the ones that were just starting to drill or still looking for a home. They all went for the traps. After the trap installation and patching of the old holes, not one more new hole was drilled that year. I ended up trapping dozens of them in the newly installed devices. All I did from that time on was to go out and empty the traps of dead bees. No more patching, swatting, or spraying. Finally after the mating season was complete and there was no longer any bee activity I took them down and stored them for use the next year. That was 6 years ago this season.
They worked so well that I decided to build them the next year for people with the same problem. Customer response has been amazing.