About Us
Our home pictured here is located approximately 3 miles east of Meadville, PA. We completely remodeled the home before we moved in. Shortly after moving in we noticed there was another remodeling going on . This one was not desired and consisted of Carpenter bees boring holes in our house and garages.

Our mission is help those who are as desperate now as we were 10 years ago in finding an efficient way of eliminating an infestation of bees that seemed to be uncontrollable.

Our vision was to design a Carpenter bee trap that was efficient and effective at the elimination our Carpenter bee infestation without hurting the environment or trapping any type of beneficial bee. These traps accomplish this task.

We value being able to help all of us that have had to endure the year after year devastation of Carpenter bees knowing that we had already tried everything else possible to eliminate the problem. I have officially retired my badminton racket.
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We feel fortunate to be able to provide our customers with a reasonably priced high quality product that does everything it advertises.